Being a Leader Regardless of Your Position
By Tara Lee Hoover of Peak Potential
Many of us are called to leadership. We have the personality traits, the qualities, everything….except the title. For a leader, this can be a very trying position to be in. Naturally we want to be the ones calling the shots, leading the team, and setting goals, but..it’s not your job. In this case scenario, what is a leader to do? I have a few encouraging tips to share with you on how you can be a leader in whatever position you hold. You don’t need a title, all you need is to be teachable, to have a passion for leadership and to realize your influence.
Influential Leadership
1. It’s a choice
You may be a natural born leader, but people will not see you as such unless you decide to be a positive influence. You may find it to be easier to keep to yourself, bang out projects on your own, and get things done, but this is not leadership. You have to be willing to be part of a team, encourage others, and build relationships. If you want to be a leader where you are, try to be a good influence and build relationships every day.
2. Realize the reach of your leadership
Someone who you’ve built a relationship with, and who you have been leading and helping on a regular basis may see you as a leader. Someone who you just met will not. You must develop relationships with people around you before you can be a leader. Get to know people, help them, invest time in them, be intentional about the positive influence you have on them.
3. It’s a responsibility
Sometimes leadership positions are pursued solely to enjoy the benefits of the title. As a true leader, you should have a constant awareness of the weight of your responsibility. Realize that the decisions you make do impact those whose well-being are within your reach of influence. You’re either being a positive or a negative influence. There is no in-between.
4. Always adding, never taking away
Leadership should never be pursued for the power to put people in their places. Talking down to others, degrading others, or considering others as less than you, is not leadership. As a leader your intentions should always be to add value to the lives of those around you. Your mission is to build healthy and happy relationships, and as a result, an effective team.
Tara Lee Hoover is the owner of Peak Potential. Her passion for helping others and mentoring was ignited as she made her way through her own struggles. Tara’s mentorship focus, is primarily on finding your true self. Helping others to thoroughly understand the dire importance of discovering their calling has been the “light at the end of the tunnel” in Tara’s life. To connect with Tara, visit her site at TaraLeeHoover.com.
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