BWR 214: TED Talks, Emmy Awards and the Listening to Your Audience With Kare Anderson
How do you become a Biz woman who ROCKS?
Listen to our Interview with Kare Anderson to find out!
Emmy Award winning former journalist for the Wall Street Journal and NBC, Kare Anderson (pronounced car-ee) is a breath of fresh air in the business world! Say It Better is the home where she offers her speaking services, consulting services and creates unique products that help others. What makes Kare so fascinating is her ability to engage and really listen to her audience and engage them! In this truly inspiring interview, Kare discusses her experience as a business woman and how she believes – and practices – the idea of Mutuality…helping out others and having them help you in an arena where you agree and your core gifts are leveraged. She drops incredible pieces of wisdom throughout the interview and I guarantee you’ll be changed after you hear her story!
Kare’s Kick A$$ Quotes
Whenever I’ve tried to get something, it hasn’t worked out as well as when something falls into my lap because of someone I’ve been there for.
The more you’re candid and specific with someone, and you give them insights, I think it’s much better than being nice.
We need to reach out in an increasingly complex world to cultivate allies who think very differently than us but we agree on a sweet spot of shared interest. I think that’s the future in business and in a meaningful life.
Resources We Discussed
Kare’s writings about “How We Partner” to help you with building strategic alliances.
Find out more about Kare!
So You Want to Be an Online Entrepreneur?
Complete with financial freedom and location independence? Then learning how to launch your business brand SUCCESSFULLY online is a must! Whether your products and services exist yet or not, whether you’ve already been selling online or are still mulling around a few ideas, this book gives you concrete steps to solidify your brand, test your market and build a community of loyal customers who will be hungry for the products and services you have to offer!
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