BWR 202: Content Marketing and Serving a Community…Not “Building An Audience” With Charlene Li
How do you become a Biz woman who ROCKS?
Listen to our Interview with Charlene Li of Altimeter to Find Out!
Charlene Li created Altimeter because she found something she enjoyed and she thought she could do it better than the company she had been working for. Altimeter provides consulting, speaking and strategy services for companies who want to understand and act on technology disruption (social media, digital media, etc.). It’s an outside-of-the-box company and Charlene is an outside-the-box business woman! She’s written 4 books (one of which is on the New York Times Bestseller list), speaks everywhere and talks with me about the distinction she sees between “building an audience” and “serving a community.” She, of course, gives amazing strategies for how to enact upon the latter and also shares about her own leadership entrepreneurial experience!
Resources We Discussed:
Blue Ocean Strategy – great book about creating your own economy! You can get your own version of this audio book for FREE! Just click HERE!
Charlene’s Kick A$$ Quotes:
I’ve always believed that constraints are a really good thing to have as an entrepreneur…because that’s what makes you focused on what’s important.
I don’t think about an audience to be messaged to, I think about a community to engage with.
This is an audience that I am trying to serve and understand and anticipate what are the things they need to hear, to do things differently, think differently in a way that would really benefit them.
Find out more about Charlene and Altimeter!
So You Want to Be an Online Entrepreneur?
Complete with financial freedom and location independence? Then learning how to launch your business brand SUCCESSFULLY online is a must! Whether your products and services exist yet or not, whether you’ve already been selling online or are still mulling around a few ideas, this book gives you concrete steps to solidify your brand, test your market and build a community of loyal customers who will be hungry for the products and services you have to offer!
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