BWR 203: Creative Marketing That Gets People Talking About You With Julie Sygiel of Dear Kate
How do you become a Biz woman who ROCKS?
Listen to our Interview with Julie Sygiel of Dear Kate to Find Out!
Julie Sygiel is a proud feminist and loves to push the envelope. So, when her professor asked the class to come up with a business project that would provide a solution to an everyday problem, she had no problem explaining that creating a “super underwear” that was comfortable, sexy and able to save women from stains and accidents during their monthly periods would be a fantastic problem to solve. So, Dear Kate was born! Years later, Dear Kate is now the purveyor of revolutionary underthings, including undies and yoga pants. In this amazing interview, Julie shares their best strategies for getting tons of traffic to their website – where the majority of their sales are made. She also discusses how to get people to talk about you – good and bad – and how to deal with controversy!
Julie’s Kick-A$$ Quotes:
If no one knows that your product exists in the world, they can’t even make the choice to buy it or not to buy it.
As much as we have an equally great product, we think of things that it touches upon culturally and bring those into the dialogue.
A Special Deal From Dear Kate Just For You!
Find out more about Julie & Dear Kate
So You Want to Be an Online Entrepreneur?
Complete with financial freedom and location independence? Then learning how to launch your business brand SUCCESSFULLY online is a must! Whether your products and services exist yet or not, whether you’ve already been selling online or are still mulling around a few ideas, this book gives you concrete steps to solidify your brand, test your market and build a community of loyal customers who will be hungry for the products and services you have to offer!
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