BWR 172: Just Don’t Give Up: Lessons From a Serial Entrepreneur With Erin Smith
How do you become a Biz woman who ROCKS?
Listen to our Interview with Erin Smith With The Starters Club to find out!
Erin Smith is a serial entrepreneur. With two super successful businesses in her past, including a pet sitting company that had 12 employees and a spray tanning company, she decided to launch her company when so many people constantly asked her how did you START? The Starters Club helps anyone START their businesses by giving real, practical information on how to take those first few steps. In this entertaining interview, Erin shares how she acquired multiple companies, how she sold hers and how her mantra is to never give up!
Erin’s Kick-A$$ Quotes:
I really want to be real with people.
People are watching you and you just have to keep moving and going in the forward motion because they’re waiting for you to quit, because everyone else quits.
Find Out More About Erin and The Starters Club!
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