BWR 120: Kathy Sacks: Infusionsoft VP Follows Her Passion
How do you become a Biz woman who ROCKS?
Listen to our Interview with Kathy Sacks of KathySacks.com to find out!
Kathy Sacks has an extensive career as a communications expert. She’s started three publications – bizAZ, TechConnect and bizSanDiego that gave her a crucial foundation as to how to communicate with the public. While she had her own PR firm, she was recruited by small business CRM (Customer Relationship Management) company Infusionsoft. She successfully ran their communications until 2013 when she left to follow her own passions. In this inspiring interview, Kathy shares the most powerful lessons she learned during her time at Infusionsoft and the touching story as to what she’s been doing since.
Kathy’s Kick-A$$ Quotes:
Every day I have the sense of what am I gonna do today if it’s my last day?
Figure out what market you’re going to be speaking to and make sure they become your true fans and that you can really go deep and own that market before you go into expanding the pie to even larger.
Who are you serving and how are you positioned to serve them like no one else can serve them?
Find out more about Kathy and KathySacks.com!
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