Key to success for women: Confidence
As the years go by and the data pile up, waiting for the financial advice industry to embrace gender equality wholeheartedly across all levels feels like waiting for Godot.
We cheer at the slightest of gains that women make in the workforce and at the same time wonder why we’re still at a place where such cheering is necessary. It should be de rigueur.
So it was when we perused senior research analyst Matt Sirinides’ report on the progress women have made in the business based on the 2015InvestmentNews Adviser Compensation & Staffing Study.
Today, women make up about half of the total employees at a typical advisory firm. From 2013 to 2015, women gained in entry- and intermediate-level positions across the industry.
Those are the positions that typically lead to more-senior professional roles. The 2015 study found 49% of entry-level advisers were female, up from 44% two years ago.
In addition, women are holding one of two other entry-level paths that can lead to client-facing professional roles, the client service administrator. That position has an 84%/16% female/male split.
Three cheers.
Unfortunately, that’s about it.
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