Make More Money With Your Current Clients with Whitney Bishop
Make More Money With Your Current Clients with Whitney Bishop
Whitney Bishop is a brilliant business strategist who focuses her genius helping Non-Profit Leaders. Her company, The Non-Profit Leaders Network is contracted by non-profit organizations searching for professional development that makes a difference for them. Think team trainings, masterful meetings, strategic planning, retreats, etc.
Since the beginning of the year, Whitney has been doing something that would scare most of us…she’s been not going after new clients – or implemented any new marketing that would attract new clients.
She’s just been focusing on giving exquisite care to her current clients.
And that paradigm shift has boosted her revenues another $50,000 so far this year (and we’re not even done with the year!).
During this enlightening conversation, Whitney shares why she made this shift to focus on her current clients and how that actually looks.
We discuss how being committed to servicing her current clients has allowed her to go “an inch wide and a mile deep,” as I like to say. It’s allowed her to be more aware of what her clients’ needs are and positions her perfectly to meet those needs.
We also discuss what processes and standardizations she’s created that is allowing her to work more efficiently and powerfully with each client.
Whitney’s decision to “stand in her own acre of diamonds” (an expression you’ll hear the beautiful story to during the interview) has ultimately allowed her to ENJOY her business journey so much more because she’s focusing on what she loves doing!
You can find out more about Whitney here → https://nonprofitleadersnetwork.com/
If you asked me what tool has been the most impactful for my business, I would without a doubt tell you it’s been MEDITATION. Meditating has been a way for me to get quiet with myself and hear my inner voice who always knows what’s best for me. Let’s face it, we women entrepreneurs are bombarded with social media feeds, events and so called experts telling us what we “should” do to grow out business and have success. But at the end of the day, WE each know what the right moves are for us in order to feel truly fulfilled and aligned in our companies.
This is why I created the Meditation for Women Podcast…so that you can have a powerful tool, created with YOU IN MIND to help you hear your inner voice, find peace in moments of high anxiety and ultimately take the next best steps in your journey as a woman. So go check it out! Just search for Meditation for Women in Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to this show and if you love it, subscribe, rate and review it! I would love to share this gift of meditation with you as you continue your beautiful journey!
Click HERE to check out Meditation for Women → https://goo.gl/m5YsKx
Today’s show is brought to you by Active Campaign, the only email marketing system you’ll ever need. After 9 years with the same email marketing provider, I was desperately searching for one that was simple, easy to manage and affordable. Active Campaign easily stood out above the rest and I’ve been ridiculously happy with them ever since I made the switch! Emailing my community and creating automation series for special resources has never been so simple!
Whether you’re ready to start your first email marketing set up or you’re searching for a new provider, I highly recommend Active Campaign! Go check them out at http://BizWomenRock.com/ac
Some of my coaching clients come to me because they are so incredibly determined to get to that next phase of their business and they just need some help doing it. Some of my clients come to because they’re so overwhelmed and in the throws of chaos and they come to me for focus and clarity and intentional strategies.
But overall, all of my clients come to me because they crave to do more. To show up more in line with who they are and what they love to do in this world in a way that gives them the business that they love.
Some people call me a business coach, some people call me a business strategist. Others call me their business therapist.
Whatever kind of support you need, that is what I am here to provide. If you are ready to get your business to the next phase that you KNOW you are ready for, or you are so done with all of that chaos and overwhelm and you’re ready to make some serious moves, and push through that chaos, then lets chat.
Right now I have spots open for private clients. And if you are ready for the clarity, and the results, and ultimately the joy that comes along with a customized support then working privately with me might be exactly what you need.
Go to bizwomenrock.com/workwithkatie and go schedule a free 15-minute match session that you and I can get on a call and make sure we are the perfect match
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