How She is Quadrupling Her Boutique Service-Based Business with Brittney Lynn
How She is Quadrupling Her Boutique Service-Based Business with Brittney Lynn
Brittney Lynn runs a 3 year old Public Relations company, specializing in supporting online entrepreneurs. She has 15 clients who invest in her services month after month, giving her an amazing base of business that she has earned through her tremendous, customized work with each individual client.
And it would be easy to tell you how Brittney’s scaling her business by acquiring more clients, building out her team and therefore, bringing in more revenue. But, that’s not what she really wants to do. That’s not what makes her happy.
So today, Brittney’s sharing how she is deciding to scale her boutique PR company…and how that growth looks like the opposite of what we think of as “successful,” less clients. But more profits and more joy.
During our conversation, Brittney shares…
- How she created packages that encouraged recurring, long-term revenue
- How she’s growing her own way instead of the traditional agency route and what that model looks like
- How she’s quadrupling her business without adding any more clients
- Questions you can ask yourself and your current clients to open up new revenue and support opportunities.
I refer to a recent episode I did with the amazing Whitney Bishop, Founder of The Non-Profit Leaders Network, who spoke about how she makes more money with her current clients. You can find that episode HERE: http://bizwomenrock.com/make-money-current-clients-whitney-bishop/
Brittney is such a wonderful case study for growing a business from the inside-out…from your core values and gifts…and that there are massive profits and JOY that come out of doing business this way!
You can find out more about Brittney Lynn here: https://brittneyllynn.com/
The new year is here and I’m sure you’re feeling fired up to make this the best year yet for you! But guess what? That fire…that focus…that determination…if you’re human…it’s going to dissipate over the course of the next few weeks. Because your best laid plans get interrupted by life, by surprises, by unintended occurrences. And sometime in March, you’re going to raise your head from the hurricane of ideas, tasks and work you’ve been submerged in and remember those big goals you had back in January and wonder how in the world you can get back to a place of making them come true this year.
You’re not alone, girl. We all start out the year strong and if we don’t have a program or the accountability or the structure to keep us focused and intentional with how we’re spending our time…it can all get lost. It’s happened to me. And it’s happened to so many other amazing women entrepreneurs I know!
Which is why I decided that this year is the year I wanted to work with just a handful of driven, determined and passionate women entrepreneurs…so we can go to work doing the deep and focused work it takes to create their dream businesses.
As of now, just a few spots remain for my 1 Year Private Coaching Program…a program that gives you and I the space and the structure to work hand in hand as you get clear about your vision, get focused in on what needs to happen in order to make that vision a reality and take intentional actions to see it come to fruition! And with the regular accountability, the quarterly deep dive sessions and the kickoff Intensive…and with me here with you every step of the way…having the profitable and purposeful business that you enjoy showing up for every day is inevitable!
To find out more about my 1 Year Private Coaching Program, go to http://BizWomenRock.com/mybestyear and apply today! I’m responding to applications as they come in and spots are filling on a first come, first serve basis.
We can’t do this alone. And if the structured and customized support of private coaching is what you need to finally achieve what you know you’re ready for in your business, then I can’t wait to read your application. Let’s do this!
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