BWR 206: The PR Engine Behind Tony Robbins and 85 New York Times Bestsellers With Heidi Krupp
How do you become a Biz woman who ROCKS?
Listen to our Interview with Heidi Krupp of Krupp Kommunications to Find Out!
Heidi Krupp is lucky…that’s what she says. When she first started her business Krupp Kommunications, she had a mentor – one of the leading literary agents – hand-hold her through many startup questions. As she grew her business, she had others around her help her by giving her advice and introducing her to clients. That’s how she ended up in the front seat of a Tony Robbins event and eventually became his publicist! Tony’s not the only big name Heidi serves…her firm has had 85 of their clients on the New York Times Bestseller list! Some other names you might know: Jillian Michaels, David Bach, Tori Johnson, Diamond Dallas Paige, Weight Watchers…the list goes on! In this truly inspirational and energetic interview, Heidi shares how she’s grown her company, all the mistakes she’s made, how she’s developed into the leader she is, how she manages being the mom of a 4 year old and an entrepreneur, and why she does it all!
Heidi’s Kick-A$$ Quotes:
You do good work and people talk about you.
Everything has come to me because of the results and scope of work we’ve done.
I don’t think I really in the beginning looked or felt like I was working for myself or had a business, I think I just started to flourish and be so passionate because I loved what I was doing.
Find out more about Heidi & Krupp Kommunications!
So You Want to Be an Online Entrepreneur?
Complete with financial freedom and location independence? Then learning how to launch your business brand SUCCESSFULLY online is a must! Whether your products and services exist yet or not, whether you’ve already been selling online or are still mulling around a few ideas, this book gives you concrete steps to solidify your brand, test your market and build a community of loyal customers who will be hungry for the products and services you have to offer!
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