Written by: Ritika Nangia
Women in India are changing the perception that they are just good homemakers. Today, they are in every field including start-ups, says RITIKA NANGIA
Once in a while, everyone feels the need to leave everything and start afresh. Don’t be afraid to follow your passion and create something unique and give to this world something that only you can. It is no longer a man’s world. Women are at par with men and are climbing the ladder in every domain. The women of today, give a tough competition to men in any field and are not just homemakers in the traditional way.
Nothing speaks of freedom better than starting your own venture and working on your own terms. An entrepreneur’s journey is never an easy one, but is full of surprises, growth and fun. Pull up your socks and get ready for action. There are no magical recipes to get the right concoction to entrepreneurship. However there are umpteen steps you can follow to get on the right track. Unlike a nine-to-five job, running your own business and treading into unknown territory can appear to be scary at first but all you need at first is confidence in yourself and all things would fall in its place. Here are some steps you must never forget.
Be realistic: Following your dream is one thing however one must set realistic goals to pursue and attain. Leading your passion is important and probably has been the one line we have all been listening to since childhood however it needs to be sensible. You need to do a self-analysis to ensure where your interests and forte lie. We can learn the tricks of the trade only when we enjoy the trade. Chasing goals that are beyond your reach might lead to uncalled-for frustration and entire loss of focus. Setting short-terms goals and planning each move with a lucid mind will not only make things easier but would seem more positive as well.
Be assertive: Women at times undermine their worth and often misjudge their capability to perform, this happens in cases where there is low confidence within a person. You need to set the path on fire with your charisma and confidence and speak your mind aloud. There are times you might be wrong and it is human to be so, the secret is to not sulk over it rather learn from it. If you are unsure of yourself and your actions, people around you would treat you the same way, intentionally or unintentionally you attract negativity. Be confident of yourself and keep the faith alive in yourself, there will be days you would be patting your own back.
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