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10 Steps to Remove Distraction and Procrastination While Working

Written by Pam Christie of Christie and Associates



These steps, or tips, can truly apply to anyone – whether you work from home or in an office environment. The key with any work environment is to stay motivated, and free yourself from distractions and procrastination.


1. Keep your office space separate

It’s essential to have separate areas for work and play. This will help you to avoid distractions and stay focused while working.


2. Set goals and priorities

Defining the top goals and priorities for each day will both keep you on track and give you a sense of achievement.


3. Schedule everything

Plan out your day in advance, either the night before, or each morning. Schedule time for meetings, tasks, checking email and breaks – and stick to it!


4. Stay organized

Each week, set aside some time to organize your office. From paperwork to your inbox, a sense of order will inspire you.


5. Keep active

Resist sitting at your desk all day. Short breaks for exercise will keep you energized and healthy.


6. Limit distractions

Without anyone looking over your shoulder, you are responsible for yourself. Avoid distractions like constantly checking email or social media.


7. Set timers

Estimate how long tasks will take to complete and set a timer for yourself to motivate yourself to finish before your deadline.


8. Beautify your office

Spend some time making your office beautiful using plants, artwork, inspirational messages, or anything else that makes you smile. Loving where you’re working will keep you inspired.


9. Celebrate daily.

Celebrate every aspect of your day – the highs and the lows – with family, support team, etc. Get everyone involved in what you accomplish and learn from each day.


10. Make time for YOU.

Not as the business owner – as a person! Make that hair appointment, schedule that golf tee-off, go out for lunch. Do it during business hours – you deserve it!




Pam ChristiePam Christie owns Christie and Associates Canada.  They offer outsourced business management support to entrepreneurs seeking to grow their businesses and not having to manage all the day to day activity themselves. You can listen to an interview we did with Pam on the Biz Women Rock podcast here!  You can also visit her website here


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