Monthly Archives: February 2018
4 Lessons After 4 Years of Biz Women Rock
Whaaaaat?!?! I can’t believe it’s been FOUR YEARS since Biz Women Rock began.
… Read the restDon’t Feel Like “Hustling” Today? Then Don’t. Read This Instead
“You know what is hitting me in the face right now?” I stared at my guest with wide eyes.
“That when we are able to know our seasons and cycles and match those up with our business activities, then all of a sudden, we can grant ourselves so much grace and compassion for not always running at 1000%!”
This was my ah-ha moment during yesterday’s Master Class in the Biz Women Rock Academy (… Read the rest
What Are You So Afraid Of?
Fear. You’re smart enough to know that this little devil inside of you is the core reason behind almost every single “low” moment you’ve had in your business. … Read the rest
LIVE COACHING: I Want to Leave My Full Time Job and Make My Travel Business Work with Francesca Montillo
Francesca Montillo is the founder of Lazy Italian Culinary Adventures.
Yesterday I hosted a Master Class for my amazing Biz Women Rock Academy members (… Read the rest
Feeling Overwhelmed or Stuck? 3 Steps to Focusing FAST!
Remember that time when the strategic annual plan you made in January went perfectly and was executed exactly how you had planned?… Read the rest
LIVE COACHING: How Do I Fill My Programs & Create a Larger Movement with Linda Berger
Linda Berger is the creator of Business Women Warriors, a 90 Day program that helps ambitious business women focus in on ONE GOAL they have and work on it intentionally (and with accountability!) so they can achieve it!
… Read the rest3 Ways I Monetize My Podcast
How do you monetize your podcast, Katie?
This is by far THE most common question I get when people find out I have a podcast.
And since this week’s Biz Women Rock podcast episode is a LIVE COACHING session with fellow podcaster, Julie Neale, helping her strategize on how she can do a better job monetizing her podcast, I figured I’d share just 3 ways I’ve monetized my podcast over these past 4 years!… Read the rest
LIVE COACHING: How Do I Monetize My Podcast & Community with Julie Neale of Mother’s Quest
Julie Neale is a total sweetheart.
… Read the rest