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3 Ways to Infuse More LOVE into Your Marketing

Marketing (and business, in general) can so easily be seen as reach, funnels, conversions, sales, etc. etc.  Which are all important metrics to know.


But the business owners and brands who have left the biggest impressions on me – and who I typically buy from – are the ones who infuse LOVE into their marketing.


The ones who I can feel love what they do and who they do it for!


So, here are 3 simple ways you can infuse more LOVE into your marketing!



  • Share Your WHY: Tell people why you provide your products and services!  Or why you got into business in the first place!  Or why you created that episode. Or why you wrote that post. What’s your business origin story?  Why are you so passionate about helping your customers / clients? Sharing the story behind your products and services makes you real and relatable!  And, it shows the passion you have for what you do!



Example: Do you know why I became a business coach? I refused to do it for a long time…even when women were begging to pay me to do it. Finally, a friend said to me, “Katie, you have such a gift helping people see what they can’t see and for helping them focus. Don’t you want to give that gift to those who need it?”  I had never thought of it that way. So, I said yes to my first paying client and the rest is history. 😉



  • Share Results and What They Mean: Ask your customers to share their results with you and then turn around and share those stories in your marketing.  Make sure to not just post a testimonial, but to really get at the heart as to how your product or service helped and why it was so impactful!  Doing so showcases the love you have for serving your clients!



Example: I’ve had the privilege of working with Tina for a year and a half now. As we were kicking off our 2019 session, she let me know that her revenue for 2018 was significantly higher than 2017…and that it had been her best year yet in business! Tina beamed with pride, feeling even more legitimized in her business and…inspired to think even bigger for 2019. You know that feeling when confidence meets imagination meets purpose? That’s where Tina’s been living. And it makes her business journey joyful and meaningful.



  • Give Away Free Stuff: Giving away something free to clients and potential clients is a great way to show them your love and appreciation! Of course, there can be benefits to your business that result from strategic giveaways (email list building, social sharing, building a pipeline), but the intention is always to give something valuable to those you love serving. It makes you feel good and they feel your love!



Example: I have a free Money Bundle for you! If you want to do a better job organizing and mastering your money, then it’s perfect for you! Money management strategies, my Financial Focus worksheet, my fav money tracking app, and even a diagram of how I organize my business bank accounts!  All for you. All for free. Because I love you. ❤️ You can get it here – http://bizwomenrock.com/moneybundle/


You have a ton of love for your business. For the products and services you provide and for the people who need them. I know you do!  So spend some time thinking about how you can implement these strategies to infuse your upcoming marketing with more love.  And watch your clients and potential clients respond.  🙂






PS: Guess what?  I’m opening a limited number of spots in March for clients to work with me for 3 months or 6 months.  You’ve been hearing me talk a lot about my 1 Year Private Coaching Program lately and as the final spaces in there fill up, I’m opening a few more spots in my calendar for those who are craving shorter term commitments.  Know you need some coaching to jumpstart your business to where you know you’re meant to be?  Just email me and let me know and we’ll get on a call to see how I can best help you get there!


“Katie’s coaching has transformed my life, both professionally and personally. Before I started working with Katie, I had a business I was passionate about but I was spinning my wheels. And although I was bringing in money, it wasn’t thriving the way I knew it deserved to be. Because of Katie’s coaching, I’ve stepped into my power as a purposeful business woman, and finally began really owning who I am! The 200+% of increased revenue I experienced in my business was a direct result of her entrepreneurial wisdom, powerful mindset tools, and accountability. Katie has given me the clarity and the confidence I needed to surpass the goals I’ve set for myself. I am forever grateful for her as a person, and as my coach!  I cannot wait to see where 2019 takes me!” – Jody Agard, Mommy Reboot


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