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Almost 3 Decades as a Mompreneur with Kim Garst – MOMPRENEUR SERIES


Almost 3 Decades as a Mompreneur with Kim Garst – MOMPRENEUR SERIES



I’ve had the privilege of knowing Kim Garst for quite some time now and this time, the social media diva is having a conversation with me that has nothing to do with social media.  


When she had her first son 27 years ago, she took one look at her newborn and decided in an instant that all her plans to go law school and have a big legal career were out the window.  A few months later, the realities of going from a dual income family to a single income family hit and Kim realized she needed to make something happen. So, she got “online,” which, back then, looked like message boards and chat rooms.  She taught herself tons of tech so she could build websites and pretty soon, she was taking phone calls from people she was chatting with over the message boards to secure her first clients. It took her 5 years to make her first $60.


Kim and I have a very real conversation about her journey as a mompreneur.  How she remembers taking phone calls while sitting on the floor playing legos with her kids.  How she worked tons of nights after the kids went down.


And all the “mistakes” she made along the way.  When I asked Kim about moments when she felt “the pull,” (feeling pulled between business and the kiddos), she tells a story about the time when she chose speaking at a conference that was happening during her son’s 16th birthday.  She’s candid about the fact that she’s not proud of that decision, but talks about the grace we all need to give ourselves when we make the wrong choices (because we’re going to!).


We also talk about creating boundaries for yourself…knowing what you will and will not let impede with family time…and how discovering these boundaries takes doing the work to know what kind of MOM and BUSINESS WOMAN you want to be.  


Kim is refreshingly honest about her journey and I’m so excited to share it with you!


You can check out more about Kim here → https://kimgarst.com/




Some of my coaching clients come to me because they are so incredibly determined to get to that next phase of their business and they just need some help doing it. Some of my clients come to because they’re so overwhelmed and in the throws of chaos and they come to me for focus and clarity and intentional strategies.


But overall, all of my clients come to me because they crave to do more. To show up more in line with who they are and what they love to do in this world in a way that gives them the business that they love.


Some people call me a business coach, some people call me a business strategist. Others call me their business therapist.


Whatever kind of support you need, that is what I am here to provide. If you are ready to get your business to the next phase that you KNOW you are ready for, or you are so done with all of that chaos and overwhelm and you’re ready to make some serious moves, and push through that chaos, then lets chat.


Right now I have 3 spots open for private clients. And if you are ready for the clarity, and the results, and ultimately the joy that comes along with a customized support then working privately with me might be exactly what you need.


Go to bizwomenrock.com/workwithkatie and go schedule a free 15-minute match session that you and I can get on a call and make sure we are the perfect match

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