Planning & Executing a Productive Week – Make It Happen Monday Series
How many times have you started your week off with a fire in your belly, ready to take on the world and make BIG THINGS HAPPEN in your business…only to realize on Friday afternoon that the somehow, the week got away from you and you only accomplished a small percentage of the things you really wanted to do?
You’re not alone.
So many of your fellow biz women experience this too and it’s FRUSTRATING! And it can also be incredibly wearing on your entrepreneurial morale, making you feel unaccomplished and always behind and never really on top of your game.
That’s why I’m so excited to share with you my tips and tricks on HOW TO PLAN AND EXECUTE A PRODUCTIVE WEEK on today’s MAKE IT HAPPEN MONDAY FACEBOOK LIVE SERIES!
In this Facebook LIVE I’ll be going over simple ways to help you get the most out of your week so you can experience major growth in your business and feel super productive every week!
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