Monthly Archives: April 2017
Self Care Ain’t For Sissies
Self Care Ain’t For Sissies
Join me for a quick insight as to why self care is a vital part of your business success! And, I’m sharing TWO moments recently when I realized I needed to put more attention into taking care of myself and HOW I actually implemented on the other end of those realizations that have had HUGE impacts on my biz!!
… Read the restMy All Time Fav Time Management Tricks
My All Time Fav Time Management Tricks Here are 8 of my all time favorite ways to do more in less time! These are small and big hacks on how you can be more effective with your time!… Read the rest
What Can Happen When You Take the Word “Hard” Out of Your Vocabulary
How many times a day do you say the word “hard?”
I was interviewing the fabulous Carissa Hill recently (her interview on the podcast is officially LIVE…you can listen here!) and I asked her how in the world she is able to grow a multi-six figure business (she had a recent launch than earned her over $500k alone!) and be a mom of a 6 month old.… Read the rest
4 Must-Haves for Successful Community Leaders
4 Must-Haves for Successful Community Leaders
I LOVE teaching about how to build a community/following and this is a BIG focus for so many of you!
… Read the restThe Apps You Need to Run Your Business from Your Phone
We’re not just talking your email, calendar and social media apps here…we’re talking about a bunch of other apps that I use to run my business from anywhere!
… Read the restThe BEST Way to Launch Anything!
I discuss very specific steps to take anytime you want to sell anything!
One of those steps is Building a Community…here’s a link for an entire podcast series she did about How to Build a Community –>
Not part of the Biz Women Rock Private Facebook Group yet?
… Read the restMastering the Mompreneur Mindset with Carissa Hill
I think I officially fell in love with Carissa Hill during this interview.
… Read the restA Baby, a Toddler, a Brand New Law Practice and a Baby Friendly Office with Attorney Chelsie Lamie
You may initially think Chelsie Lamie, Personal Injury Attorney was crazy for opening up her private practice when her youngest son was just 6 months old and her older son was a toddler.
Top Strategies That Make My Life as a Mompreneur Work: A Special Kickoff to the Mompreneur Series
This is a special solo episode where I get to officially kick off the Mompreneur Series! … Read the rest
If I Get Knocked Down 28 Times…
I’ll get up 29.
Since we’re entrepreneurs, let’s adjust that number properly. If get knocked down 10,397 times, I’ll get up 10,298!… Read the rest